Could that be Possible?

Has the number of superheroes in Marvel comics got to do something with the commercial plane flying licenses given in the United States? Or is there a relation between number of deaths and number of births?

Inspired from Tyler Vigen’s website, the information here will leave you thinking ‘Could that be possible?

Superheroes Vs Aliens!

There have been quite a number of Superhero movies released in the past decade. Be it Marvel or DC Comics, every other movie eventually play against the far reachable enemy: ‘ALIENS’.

During this time frame, however, number of UFO sightings around the world has increased as well. Apparently this correlates very well with number of movie releases.

Is there a connection somewhere? Could that be possible?

Correlation: 81.16%

Rebirth from India to Switzerland!

Birth and Death are inevitable. Every year, thousands of people die in road accidents in India. Far away in a distant land, Switzerland, thousands of babies are being born every year.

Coincidentally, these numbers are telling us a story. The story behind never ending topic of rebirth? Rebirth, Or Reincarnation? Could that be possible?

Correlation: 93.9%

Hollywood promoting education in India!

A money making industry as Hollywood must be doing something right (socially) that it has its ‘fans’ around the world. Hundreds of movies every year, so where are the profits going?

Take India for instance. With a population of 1.3 billion (and constantly on the rise), it needs monies to sustain the education of its young brigade. Number of universities has been on the rise. Higher education isn’t a myth anymore in India!

Is Hollywood behind India’s higher literacy rate? Could that be possible?

Correlation: 61.05%

More to follow…

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